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New spa working wonders

A community-funded hydrotherapy spa has made a positive impact on a local child suffering from a one in 100,000 brain condition.Joseph Burgess has Schizencephaly, a rare...

Afloat with hope

A community-funded hydrotherapy spa has made a positive impact on a local child suffering from a one in 100,000 brain condition.Joseph Burgess has Schizencephaly, a rare...

Player scoring national goals

Whyalla soccer player Phil Cash Junior recently represented South Australia in a winning effort in the National Futsal Championships in Sydney last year.Football Federation South...

COMET travelling to Whyalla

Celebrating Original Music Every Time (COMET) will be bringing fresh, original tunes to Whyalla this weekend at the Mount Laura Homestead. The free event features...

Gliding through time

A local man has unearthed a collection of old tapes recorded in Whyalla's heyday, which includes several clips of one of his unique hobbies.Graham...

Concerns over Westlands parking

The Westlands Shopping Centre has come under fire from a local resident due to its disabled facilities not being up to premises guidelines. Wheelchair-bound Greg...

Whyalla ready to Experience Floyd

Pink Floyd cover band Experience Floyd will be travelling to Whyalla next month for a concert that will include a performance of Pink Floyd's well-known...

Coward punch isn’t a fight

Warlocks Whyalla head trainer Justin Fennell  believes that mandatory jail time should be a consequence of coward punching after a recent death caused by the act. “I've been...

Almost time for market

The first of a series of exciting summer markets is nearly here.Whyalla City Council is hosting a series of summer market events at Whyalla...

Thank an Aussie legend

DO you know someone extraordinary in your community? Then Wattyl’s Aussie Legends competition is the perfect way to say thank you.Wattyl is an Aussie legend that has...