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Home Authors Posts by Hui Jin

Hui Jin

Hui Jin

GFG are Increasing Jobs by Reducing Emissions

LIBERTY Steel, part of the GFG Alliance, has announced it will be phasing out coal-based steelmaking in Whyalla, which will result in a major...

Housing, not jobs, will drive EP growth: Professor

A professor from Adelaide has told a gathering of Eyre Peninsula councils each must step up because "no white knight is coming to rescue...

Get Ready for Whyalla’s First RaW Festival

Whyalla is getting ready to hold its first Readers and Writers (RaW) Festival from April 14 to 16 at the Mount Laura Homestead and...

Whyalla Out and About

Photographer Geniene Prater headed out to see who was out and about on the weekend. At the Left Hand Club, Blake Brougham was the...

SAPOL target motorcyclists in new advert

South Australian Police are beginning to film a television commercial in an effort to change the behaviours of the most dangerous transport forms. With...

Bowls pennants final decided

The final of the Saturday bowls pennants was played at Whyalla Golf Bowling Club. Finalists were Port Augusta Pink and ETSA Blue Port Augusta won the...

What’s on around Whyalla and regions

WHYALLA ART GROUP Opening Night Friday May 19 from 6 pm Darling Terrace, the more, the merrier! All new work by our talented artists is...

Sweet success for young rider

The carnival may be over celebrating 100 years of cycling in Whyalla, which was held on the 4th & 5th March, but the rider’s...

Whyalla Sports Weekend Photo Gallery

Our photographer Geniene Prater captured lots of great action across the weekend including trial games in football at Bennett and Centrals Ovals. The...

Whyalla Sports Weekend Photo Gallery

Our photographer Geniene Prater captured lots of great action across the weekend including trial games in football at Bennett and Centrals Ovals. The...