Hui Jin
Bays, Souths with big wins
WHYALLA - After a disappointing loss to Norths last week, South Whyalla have raced back into Whyalla football A grade finals contention with an...
Start on new rental laws
New rentals laws have come into effect, with improved security for tenants and better protection for the rights of landlords.
Commencing from July 1, the...
Learn about science in pub
PORT AUGUSTA - Renowned Upper Spencer Gulf photographer Jeff Bowey will be involved in Port Augusta Coastcare's first Science in the Pub event where...
Future of quality reporting
REGION - Federal MP Rowan Ramsay says the future for traditional media in printed form is bleak with the future being electronic news, but...
Foreshore toilet upgrade
The Whyalla City Council is set to replace the foreshore toilet block with a contemporary facility that will improve safety, accessibility, and practicality for...
Out and about in Whyalla
WHYALLA - See the latest social photos from The Australian Ballet on Tour at Middleback Arts Centre on the weekend.
What are you looking forward to about the school holidays?
What are you looking forward to about the school holidays?
Two new trustees to start
Experienced grain industry professionals Lou Flohr and Felicity Turner will be the newest trustees to join the South Australian Grain Industry Trust (SAGIT)
Both Lou...
Code Blue activated for regional areas
Extras services will be available to people sleeping rough in regional South Australia over the next few days as temperatures are predicted to plummet...
Club images shine bright
WHYALLA - Whyalla Photography Group members have been busy gathering some wonderful artwork for the latest monthly meeting.
The group meets at the Darling Terrace...